Castor Oil Is the Best Oil for Thickening and Re-growing the Hair, Eyelashes, and Eyebrows

Castor Oil Is the Best Oil for Thickening and Re-growing the Hair, Eyelashes, and Eyebrows - You have probably heard about castor oil and you may even have a bottle of it in your kitchen cupboard. However, are you aware of its power and the numerous ways in which you can benefit from it? If you’re not, then you should definitely continue reading the text.

Namely, castor oil is rich in vitamin E and protein and it also has antibacterial and anti-fungicidal characteristics. It has a triglyceride of fatty acids and 90% of them are made from ricinoleic acid which has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of viruses, bacteria, molds, and yeast. Castor oil is used topically and it can be of great aid for numerous health problems.

These are some of the best benefits of castor oil:

It can thicken and re-grow the hair because it has omega-9 fatty acids that nourish the follicles and hair. The oil penetrates into the pores and follicles which produce hair. So, if you want to thicken and improve the growth of your hair, massage few drops of castor oil into the hair.

It betters the lymphatic flow when it’s topically applied.

It can lower inflammation and swelling of the joints and tissues since the ricinoleic acid in it has anti-inflammatory properties.

The ricinoleic acid in castor oil can prevent the growth of bacteria, viruses, and yeast.

Since it has potent anti-inflammatory characteristics, castor oil encourages bowel movement.

It alleviates menstrual cramps by relaxing the muscles.

It can treat migraine, skin problems like bacterial infections, fungal infections, itching, sprains, warts, etc. athlete’s foot, and ringworm.

As it has insecticidal, germicidal, and fungicidal characteristics, castor oil is very helpful in the treatment of dandruff by protecting the scalp from infections.

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