When teeth just crumble away
The molar-incisor-hypomineralisation - short MIH - affects according to recent studies about 10 to 15 percent of all children in Germany. Among the twelve-year-olds, more than 30 percent are affected by this disorder in the enamel. According to the German Oral Health Study, MIH is now more of a problem than dental caries.
Cause still unknown
The exact cause is still scientifically unclear, it is believed that it is probably an interaction of multiple triggers . Recent research indicates that the plasticizer bisphenol A might play a role in the formation of plastics. Other causes could include infectious diseases, antibiotics, chickenpox, environmental toxins such as dioxin, problems with pregnancy or upper respiratory tract disorders.
The first year of life is crucial
With MIH, incisors or milk teeth are less frequently affected. Most commonly, it shows on the molars, whose development occurs between the eighth month of pregnancy and the fourth year of life. This calcium and phosphate are stored, which harden the enamel. In the case of chalk teeth, the process is disrupted, leaving the enamel soft . In the worst case, the teeth are so porous that a part breaks off when penetrating the jaw. The first year of life seems to be decisive for the malformation. Subsequently, several factors seem to have come together for MIH to emerge.
Fluorine can relieve symptoms
Effective prevention of chalk teeth is currently not possible due to the lack of cause. According to experts, prophylaxis is all the more important because MIH teeth are particularly susceptible to caries. They therefore recommend fluoride in particular - in the form of toothpaste, fortified table salt, special varnish or mouth rinses. But above all for the thorough cleaning of the teeth to delay the almost inevitable caries as long as possible. If you notice any symptoms in you or your children, consult your dentist.