The older we get - the more problems our teeth make us: the risk of periodontitis and dry mouth increases.


Doctors recommend: Drink at least 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day. Many older people, however, are far from absorbing this amount of fluid. The result is that the mucous membranes in the body, including in the mouth, dry out. Anti-rheumatic and high blood pressure medicines boost this effect. If there is not enough saliva in the oral cavity, bacteria can multiply rapidly. Then the risk of tooth decay, gingivitis and bad breath increases.

Gums on the retreat

Increased bacterial formation is also responsible for periodontitis. The small pathogens settle between the tooth and the gums and destroy the tissue. The result: The gums form back, the teeth start to wobble and fall out. The tricky part is that this disease develops over years and initially makes no complaints. So you do not even notice a periodontal disease.

But you can do a few things yourself to keep teeth and gums healthy for a long time:

Brushing your teeth Access
the toothbrush at least twice a day. Brush all teeth in a circular motion for three minutes, preferably with an electric toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

Strengthen Teeth
Once a week, you can support your teeth with an extra dose of anti-caries fluoride. In your pharmacy, you will get the right tooth creams.

Cleaning interdental spaces
Using dental floss and interdental brushes, remove food leftovers and bacterial plaque in hard to reach areas. Best used in the morning and in the evening.

Use Mouthwash
For a fresh feeling and to prevent the plaques, mouthwashes are suitable. Use alcohol-free products as they will dry your mouth unnecessarily.

Professional teeth cleaning
Once or twice a year, a dental hygienist should remove the teeth from deposits and tartar. This can reduce the risk of developing periodontitis.

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