Winter time is flu time. The annual wave of influenza usually begins in January and lasts three to four months - How can you prevent the flu? How can you protect yourself from getting influenza? Is the flu vaccine really the only alternative or are there other ways? What is certain is that it is seldom worth leaving your own health to chance. What you can specifically do to strengthen your immune system and prevent influenza by natural means, please contact us.

Prevent flu without side effects

Whenever a flu epidemic approaches, the health authorities call for mass vaccination.

This is the case even if it has already been established that the flu vaccine is not effective, as the United States Agency for Disease Control and Prevention recently admitted for the first time.

The German Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) argues that flu vaccination is the best protection for all criticism. However, this can rightly be questioned in terms of the lack of efficacy and the possible side effects .

In addition, there are numerous holistic measures that can be used to protect against infection.

Nine holistic measures for flu prevention

Of course, it would be ideal to optimize the entire diet and lifestyle in such a way that individual measures are no longer necessary.

Because a healthy nutrient-rich diet, a lot of exercise in the fresh air, sufficient sleep, sunlight for the vitamin D intake and occasionally a sauna for general hardening puts the organism in such a balanced and stable state that a serious infection as good as impossible is.

But what if the nutrition is not so optimal and all other aspects of a healthy lifestyle can not always be implemented?

Even then, there are natural measures to prevent a flu in the short term.

Learn more about how you can become active for the flu to get around you:

1. Prevent flu with probiotics

Probiotics are the basis of every flu prevention - and that's because they interact directly with the immune system, strengthening and activating it. However, a strong immune system is just what you need to prevent a flu:

The real flu is an infectious disease caused by viruses of the genera influenza A or B. The task of the immune system is to fend off the infectious agents.

But what have probiotics - which are known to switch and control in the gut - to do with the immune system?

In the intestine large parts (70 to 80 percent) of the immune system are localized - on the one hand in the form of the intestinal flora, on the other hand in the form of the intestinal mucous membrane, in which there are real training centers for white blood cells (defense cells).

However, if the intestinal flora is disturbed and / or the intestinal mucosa is damaged, the performance of the immune system also suffers quite severely.

So, first and foremost, flu prevention is about putting the intestinal flora and intestinal mucosa in a 1A state and thus noticeably boosting the capacity of the immune system. This can be achieved, for example, by taking high-quality probiotics (e.g. Combi Flora).

Even fermented foods such as sauerkraut or miso contain high-quality probiotic strains of bacteria. Crucial here is that you consume the sauerkraut raw, since probiotics are destroyed by heat.

Probiotics are living microorganisms (e.g. lacto- and bifidobacteria ) that are best taken in capsule form (enteric-coated capsules). They bring the intestinal flora back into a healthy balance. A healthy intestinal flora in turn provides the necessary protection and also the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa.

A balanced intestinal flora also has the ability to kill harmful microorganisms in the intestine directly, so that they do not even get into the bloodstream; Some lactic acid bacteria even have an antiviral effect.

A clinical study commissioned by Chr. Hansen and conducted in collaboration with a hospital and the University of Milan shows that certain bifidobacteria and lactobacteria can improve the body's resistance to common infections such as the flu.

Probiotics animate the goblet cells in the gut, forming more protective mucus and reinforcing the connections between the cells of the intestinal wall, preventing unwanted particles, including viruses, from entering the bloodstream.

At the same time, the production of immunoglobulin A is stimulated in the immune cells of the intestinal mucosa. This antibody fights pathogens - especially viruses.

2. Prevent flu with vitamin D

A study by Norwegian scientists on influenza epidemics has shown that there is a relevant link between low levels of vitamin D and influenza.

According to this study, a strong increase in influenza infections is always observed when the exposure of sunlight (and thus the formation of vitamin D ) is reduced.

The first randomized controlled trial actually looked at the bone-protecting effect of vitamin D in postmenopausal women.

It turned out, however, that those women who took 800 IU daily of vitamin D were three times better protected from the flu than the women from the placebo group.

Of the women who took even higher doses of vitamin D for a full year (2000 IU per day), only one disease was affected during this period.

Vitamin D plays an essential role in terms of the immune system ; a deficiency thus increases the susceptibility to infection.

3. Prevent the flu with colloidal silver

Colloidal silver (Argentum colloidale) is by no means a new-fangled trend, but was used medicinally from antiquity to the first half of the 20th century for infection control.

Then the antibiotics were developed, which are much cheaper in terms of production and have displaced the colloidal silver from the market and thus out of the consciousness of many medical professionals.

Nonetheless, several scientific studies have been carried out to prove that colloidal silver, even in the smallest concentration, destroys a number of bacteria and fungi.

However, colloidal silver also acts against viruses in vitro because the nanosilver particles bind to their surface and thereby prevent the binding of viruses to host cells.

The internal use of colloidal silver should be economical, so it is advisable to seek advice on the dosage from an experienced naturopath.

For example, to prevent flu in winter, you could take one tsp of colloidal silver (eg 5 to 25 ppm) 1 to 2 times a day.

4. Prevent flu with antiviral effective herbal teas

There are a lot of medicinal plants that have an antiviral effect and are therefore suitable for preventing the flu.

One of the most famous herbal killers is the red coneflower (Echinacea purpurea), which has been shown to increase the resistance to viruses.

In 2007, scientists around Craig Coleman of the University of Connecticut (USA) evaluated 14 studies on the subject and came to the conclusion that the risk of a flu infection by Echinacea can be reduced by 60 percent.

The following antiviral tea blend can be taken therapeutically or preventively:


  • 40 g sun hat root
  • 20 g rosehip shells
  • 10 g of thyme leaves
  • 10 g of ginseng root
  • 10 g of rockrose herb
  • 10 g elderflower

Application for influenza prevention:

  • Pour a teaspoon of the tea blend per cup of boiling water.
  • Let the tea draw for 10-15 minutes.
  • Filter the tea afterwards.
  • Drink three cups of this tea daily.

5. Prevent influenza with bentonite

The mineral earth bentonite also helps to prevent flu.

Bentonite has a strong detoxifying effect by binding toxins and pollutants. In this way, it is able to cleanse the intestine and protect the entire body from toxins of all kinds, since they do not even get into the bloodstream.

As a result, bentonite greatly relieves the immune system , allowing it to focus on more important tasks during the flu season, namely the elimination of influenza viruses.

But bentonite can also bind viruses and bacteria and bring them out with the stool.

Bentonite can be used in the form of a cure, in small quantities but also excellent for daily detoxification be taken to prevent flu.

When making a purchase, make sure that the bentonite has the quality of the food or pharmaceuticals, ie it is also suitable for internal use.

Bentonite is available in the form of powder, liquid bentonite or capsules.

Dissolve half a teaspoon of bentonite twice a day in a glass of water (about 200-300 ml) and drink it on an empty stomach, ie ½ hour before meals or 2 hours after a light meal - e.g. before breakfast and before bedtime.

6. Prevent flu with antioxidants

Free radicals are highly reactive oxygen compounds. They are formed in the body and sometimes caused by pollutants in the air and by chemicals.

If free radicals are excessive, it is called oxidative stress, which can cause cell damage and a range of diseases. The body's defense system provides protection against the harmful effects of free radicals.

The major allies in the fight against free radicals are antioxidants that act as radical scavengers. The most important natural antioxidants are the vitamins A , C and E , but also selenium and phytochemicals such. As polyphenols and flavonoids.

Vegetables and fruits, herbs, wild plants, sprouts and seeds are therefore particularly rich in antioxidants.

During the flu season, be sure to include garlic , cabbage , broccoli , onions, cucumbers, tomatoes , linseeds , sprouts, and wheat germ oil (the most vitamin E richest oil) in your diet . Season with fresh or dried herbs such as chervil , parsley , rosemary , basil and mint .

A balanced, varied and as raw as possible diet can greatly contribute to strengthen the immune system and thus also acts as a preventative against the flu.

However, antioxidants can not only be absorbed in the form of food, but also through drinks. Drink a lot of herbal tea or green tea, especially in the cold season.

The green tea comes in terms of flu prevention is particularly important because it has antiviral and antimicrobial properties in addition to highly effective antioxidants.

If you do not like green tea, then also sweet wood and ginger serve as excellent antioxidant suppliers. In particular, sweet wood also has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect.

Of course, antioxidants can also be taken in the form of dietary supplements, such as Astaxanthin , OPC , Aroniaprodukte etc.

7. Prevent the flu with turmeric

Curcuma (Curcuma longa) is a plant species within the ginger family. In India, the use of turmeric has been used as a spice and remedy for 4000 years.

In the traditional Indian Ayurveda Ayurveda Curcuma is used against stomach cramps and bloating, but also against poisoning and infections. The "magic root" also promotes blood circulation, cleanses the blood and - which is particularly helpful for the prevention of influenza - eliminates viruses and bacteria.

Curcuma helps the body form specific T cells (T lymphocytes) that are essential for disease control.

Researchers at Oregon State University have found in their study that the protein cathelicidin increases in the human organism by taking turmeric and defending itself in the immune system against bacteria.

In this way it is possible to prevent infections as well as chronic diseases.

If you are under stress, feel weak, and have a flu attack, an extra dose of turmeric can stabilize your immune system .

Note, however, that turmeric and its main active ingredient curcumin , which is also responsible for the intense orange-yellow color, is poorly soluble in water.

For this reason you can take the spice together with oil (e.g. with a TL linseed oil ).

8. Prevent flu with natural remedies

There are many old natural remedies that help the body to defend itself against bacteria and viruses and that can also be used as a preventive measure against the flu.

Prevent the flu with Jiaogulan
The medicinal plant Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum) is an integral part of Asian folk medicine. It was scientifically analyzed for the first time in 1978 and is mainly consumed in Asia as a tea, salad or spice.

Jiaogulan activates in the body the production of a specific enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is naturally produced in the body.

As a result, free radicals are detected and eliminated from the body.

Jiaogulan also strengthens the immune system by stimulating lymphocyte formation. Lymphocytes are white blood cells and thus the body's defense police.

Dr. Liu, a professor at the Guiyang Medical Center in China, administered 610 healthy individuals aged 50 to 90 for one month Jiaogulan. They were given the medicinal plant for a month.

Among the subjects aged 70-90, jiaogulan showed a 21.4 percent decrease in oxidative stress and 282.8 percent increase in SOD production. For those aged 50 to 69, free radicals decreased by 15.6 percent and the SOD increase was 116 percent.

You can make a tea from the Jiaogulan leaves that tastes like licorice. Pour a teaspoon of Jiaogulan herb with a cup of boiling water and let it steep for ten minutes.

If you want to prevent flu, you can drink 1 to 3 cups of the tea for 5 to 6 weeks per day. Jiaogulan capsules are a sensible alternative if you do not like the licorice taste.

Prevent the flu with Umckaloabo
The natural remedy Umckaloabo is a root extract, which is won from a Geraniumart (Pelargonium sidoides), which is domestic in South Africa.

Umckaloabo has an immunomodulatory effect. This means that the immune system is strengthened and diseases such influenza, averted or attenuated.

Clinical studies have shown that the plant extract is effective in acute and chronic upper respiratory tract and ear, nose and throat infections.

The antiviral effect of Umckaloabo is due to the - in case of infection - stimulating the endogenous interferon production. Interferon is a group of proteins that can limit the spread of viral infections.

On the one hand, Umckaloabo prevents the proliferation of viruses already migrating into the tissue and, on the other hand, the adherence of the viruses to the cells of the mucous membranes.

Umckaloabo is available in the form of drops, tablets and, for children, non-alcoholic juice. Observe the manufacturer's instructions for dosage.

As you can see, Nature's Treasure Chest holds a number of plants ready to help you survive the flu season unscathed.

Among them are some special herbs and spices , which are particularly well suited to prevent flu. Two of them will now be discussed in detail: ginseng and turmeric.

Prevent flu with ginseng
The root of ginseng (Panax ginseng) has been used medically in Asian medicine for millennia, including strengthening the body's defenses.

The team led by Professor Sang-Moo Kang of George State University was able to prove in a study that the medicinal plant can also be used to treat and prevent influenza.

Researchers have tested how red ginseng extract works when infected with influenza A virus and found that defense and antibody production is stimulated. Moreover, ginseng has slowed down the proliferation of viruses in the cells.

The red ginseng not only has the potential to alleviate an existing flu infection, but to prevent such a successful flu.

9. Prevent the flu with oregano oil

Oregano is a typical Mediterranean plant that has long been used as a spice and medicinal plant.

The essential oil of oregano has a very high content of phenols and is effective against bacteria, which is why it is also defined as a natural antibiotic .

In one study, scientists found that oregano oil has a more significant effect on infections with MRSA staphylococci than all common antibiotics .

MRSA staphylococci are multidrug-resistant bacteria that have already developed resistance to the available antibiotics . But not against the polyphenols of the oregano.

Oregano oil also acts against viruses. A study has shown that the volatile oregano oil can destroy various types of viruses by attacking the outer coating of the viruses.

When working internally, it is essential to ensure that the oregano oil is not mixed undiluted, but mixed with a vegetable oil (e.g. virgin olive oil ). One drop per application is sufficient.

You can also use oregano oil in the form of capsules and follow the dosage indicated on the package leaflet.

With all these tips, it will certainly not be difficult to beat the flu and prevent it successfully.

It is best to combine three to four of the proposed measures to ensure the desired preventive effect.

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