The human body consists of 75 percent water and 25 percent solids - Water is the food par excellence. We need water to transport the nutrients, remove the waste, and do whatever else happens in the body. That makes the importance of water clear.

Coffee and tea can not replace water

In our modern society, the knowledge of the importance of drinking water as the most important elixir of life is barely there. Whole populations replace vital water with tea, coffee , sodas, soft drinks, and other industrially produced beverages. Although they contain water, but also caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners and chemical additives that have a strong dehydrating effect on the body. In addition, the water contained in the drinks can neither transport nutrients nor conduct pollutants out of the body.

Caffeine creates stress

Drinks that contain caffeine, for example , trigger stress in the body, which manifests itself in a draining effect (increased urination). Drinks that have been added with sugar dramatically increase blood sugar levels. Each of these drinks forces the body to release large amounts of water. If you take these beverages regularly, this inevitably leads to dehydration of the body.

Lack of water hinders the excretion of toxins

Many patients today suffer from a "thirst disease", i.e. a progressive state of dehydration, which can lead to a variety of symptoms. What physicians generally refer to as disease is, for the most part, an advanced state of dehydration and the resulting inability of the body to rid itself of the waste and toxins. Therefore, treating a disease with medication or other therapies without sufficient water at the same time is inadequate.

Dehydration makes you sick

A chronic disease is always accompanied by dehydration and in many cases even triggered by it.

  • heart disease
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • stomach ulcers
  • high blood pressure
  • multiple sclerosis
  • Alzheimer's as well
  • Cancer and other chronic diseases

Cell activities are significantly limited

The body cells are dependent on a sufficient water supply. Normally there is more water inside the cell than outside. When the body is dehydrated, the cells may lose 28 percent and more of their water volume. This significantly reduces overall cell activity, whether it be skin, stomach, liver, kidney, heart or brain cells. In the case of cellular dehydration, the waste can generally no longer be disposed of properly. This leads to different symptoms, which are similar to those of a disease, but are merely indicators of a disturbed water balance.

Water retention is the result

In an existing cell dehydration, the body accumulates more and more extracellular water to neutralize the resulting acids and toxins, or keep them in solution, so they can not cause harm to the organs. Noticeable is this condition of the person affected by water retention in the legs, feet, arms and / or face. The kidneys can hold back water, which is noticeable by reduced urination. In addition to the water, however, the toxins contained therein are also retained.

Dehydration and pain

Another important indication of a possible dehydration is the occurrence of pain. The brain responds to a growing water shortage by activating the neurotransmitter histamine. The histamine then instructs certain subordinate water regulation mechanisms to redistribute the circulating amount of water. As the histamine and other regulators move across pain-registering nerve tracts, they can trigger severe and persistent pain. These pain signals can then express, inter alia, as the following complaints:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • indigestion
  • Lower back problems
  • fibromyalgia
  • neuralgia
  • migraine
  • psoriasis

With the pain, the affected person is advised that dehydration is present and he should eliminate it.

Pain arises from blockages

Pain is always a sign of resistance. This resistance can be caused either by a physical blockage, such as constipation or lymph congestion , or by an emotional blockage to a particular person or situation. These blockages must be recognized and resolved.

If you fight against the pain, it generally intensifies. On the other hand, if you give up the resistance, the pain will decrease automatically. Through the pain experience, the body's own substances, the so-called endorphins, are released, which act as natural painkillers. Of course, it may be necessary in exceptional cases to resort to painkillers at short notice - especially when the pain is unbearable. At the same time, however, the dehydration of the cells should be counteracted.

Medicines hinder the inner flow of information

If taken over a longer period of medication, such as antihistamines or antacids , this can lead to enormous damage in the body. Antihistamines are medicines that neutralize the effect of the body's own histamine.

In doing so, they also hinder the body, for example, in ensuring the supply of water. In addition, they disrupt the association between histamine and its minor regulators such as vasopressin , renin-angiotensin , prostaglandin, and kinin .

Medication can relieve discomfort for a while, but the cause of the pain remains completely unconsidered. At the same time, they prevent the body from finding out where water distribution in the body is most urgently needed because it completely upsets internal communication.

Lack of water impairs brain function

Our brain needs more water than any other part of our body. Brain cells consist of 85 percent water. The energy required by the brain is not only generated by the carbohydrate metabolism (glucose), but also by "hydroelectric" energy, ie by the water pressure in celllessmos. The brain relies to a large extent on this cell-generated energy source, as it is the only way to maintain the highly complex processes - and thus its efficiency.

A lack of water in the brain automatically causes the energy potential of the brain is reduced. This suppresses many of the vital functions. With a lower energy level, it's incredibly difficult to meet everyday physical and psychological challenges. As a result, fears, worries, anger and other negative emotions develop. Not infrequently, this condition is diagnosed as depression and treated accordingly medication.

Burn-Out - A water problem?

Also, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is most often due to progressive dehydration of the brain. CFS usually disappears quickly when the subject dispenses with stimulants such as coffee, tobacco, alcohol and medication, and animal protein , and undergoes a program of water drinking, diet change and detoxification .


Many patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, MS or other degenerative diseases are on medication for cortisone . Often this treatment leads to an increase in energy in the body - but only for a short period of time. The increase in the energy level due to cortisone only lasts as long as the body is able to tap remaining energy and vitality reserves. Once the body has used up its energy reserves, the energy level continues to drop and the symptoms of illness worsen considerably.

Narrowing of blood vessels due to lack of water

If the body cells are not sufficiently supplied with water, the pituitary gland produces the neurotransmitter vasopressin . This hormone has the ability to constrict blood vessels when it comes to water shortage in certain areas. During dehydration, vasopressin narrows the arteries and capillaries to reduce their fluid volume. This is necessary so that the circulatory system continues to have sufficient pressure and thus a constant flow of water can reach the cells.

High blood pressure also often occurs in people who are dehydrated. The same thing happens in the bile ducts of the liver. These contract due to the lack of water. The formation of gallstones is a direct result of dehydration.

kidney damage

The renin-angiotensin (RA) system is activated as soon as water deficiency occurs in the body. This system instructs the body where it is possible to retain water. It affects the kidney activity and narrows the capillaries especially in areas that are not as vital as the brain and heart muscle. At the same time, the RA system ensures a higher sodium intake, The increased sodium content helps the body retain water. As long as the body does not have enough water again, this system remains active. At the same time, however, this means that the blood pressure on the walls of the vessel is exceptionally high, and in this way it can contribute to various heart diseases. The high blood pressure and impaired kidney function can ultimately lead to kidney damage. Conventional treatments usually consist of the prescription of diuretics (dehydrating medications) and the recommendation to significantly reduce salt intake.

Diuretics impede body regulation

The flushing out of body water by this form of therapy leads to an increased dehydration of the body. Many kidney transplants performed today are the result of many years of chronic dehydration.

Caffeine leads to fatigue and dehydration

Caffeine, found in drinks such as tea, coffee, many soft drinks, and most power drinks, stimulates and pollutes both the nervous and immune systems. In addition, it acts as a diuretic. Caffeine is a neurotoxin. It stimulates the adrenal gland, which then excretes stress hormones and triggers an immune reaction. The regular consumption of coffee over-excites the heart muscle and can eventually lead to the exhaustion of the heart muscle and thus heart disease.

After a cup of coffee, three glasses of water

In order to remove caffeine from the body, the body has to use water from its cells. This leads to cellular dehydration and short-term blood thinning. Among other things, this blood thinning is what causes the good feeling that many people have after enjoying coffee. Unfortunately, one does not feel the danger of dehydration that threatens at the same time. For every cup of coffee we drink, the body has to provide up to three times the amount of water needed to excrete the toxin caffeine.

Caffeine is also the only known inhibitor of those repair enzymes that would initiate their repair after damage to the DNA (eg, by UV radiation).

Alcohol and dehydration - a danger to your brain

Drinking alcohol suppresses the secretion of vasopressin, thereby increasing cellular dehydration. If the alcohol consumption is excessive, the dehydration can assume dangerous levels. The typical "cat" is nothing more than an extreme dehydration of the brain cells. If this happens more often, the brain cells are damaged and eventually die.

In order to survive the "drought" induced by the alcohol, the body has to release more stress hormones, including the addictive endorphins. If alcohol is consumed regularly, ie if alcohol is drunk every day and for months, the dehydration increases more and more and endorphin production becomes an addictive condition that can lead to alcoholism.

Alcohol also has a strong dehydrating effect. Through a glass of beer - so it is said - lose the body (much like coffee) up to three glasses of water.

But even soft drinks are not a particularly healthy alternative to quenching thirst.

Soft drinks damage DNA

New studies show that soft drinks (soft drinks) can cause serious cell damage. Research at a British university suggests that a common preservative, sodium benzoate E 211 , found in soft drinks such as. B. Pepsi Max, is able to turn off essential parts of the DNA. This can eventually lead to cirrhosis and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's.

Carcinogenic substance in soft drinks
Previously, sodium benzoate was identified as an indirect cause of cancer. When combined with the addition of vitamin C in the soft drinks, benzene, a carcinogenic substance, is produced. Dr. Peter Piper from Sheffield University in England has conducted experiments on sodium benzoate on yeast cells.

He has found that sodium benzoate damages an important part of the DNA in the mitochondria. When the mitochondria are damaged, the cells show serious malfunction. This can lead to a whole range of diseases that affect the entire aging process, but also neuro-degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's can be triggered.

Soft drinks make you fat and sick

Since the government will not oppose the powerful food and beverage industry, every individual must protect himself and his family. One of the most important things that contribute to our health and that of our children is the avoidance of soft drinks.

The same applies to many sports drinks. According to a study by the University of Berkeley in California, these beverages can contribute to a weight gain of up to 6.5 kilograms per year when consuming approximately 600 ml of these drinks per day.

A new study by the School of Medicine at the University of Boston has found that one can of lemonade per day increases the risk of metabolic syndrome by 46 percent.

The study revealed other harmful side effects from consuming lemonade - namely the following:

  • A 31 percent higher risk of obesity
  • A 30 percent higher risk for a larger waist size
  • A 25 percent higher risk for increased triglyceride and blood glucose levels
  • A 32 percent higher risk for a low level of "good" cholesterol
  • A general tendency to high blood pressure

If soft drinks are consumed over a long period of time, the effects of the drinks, which contain acids, sugars, artificial sweeteners and flavorings and preservatives such as E 211, can be devastating to the body.

So should be required 32 glasses of water with a pH of 9 to neutralize the acidity of a 350 ml soft drink.

Cola contains phosphoric acid

When consuming a cola, the body must attack its own alkaline reserves due to the high amount of phosphorus to neutralize the acids contained. In particular, calcium, which is drawn from the bones and teeth, is lost in large quantities.


The kidneys are responsible for eliminating waste products and excess fluid. In addition, they maintain the important balance between salt, potassium and acids. The kidneys produce a hormone, erythropoietin (EPO) , which stimulates the production of red blood cells.

Other kidney hormones help maintain blood pressure and calcium balance. The kidneys also synthesize hormones that control tissue growth. If the kidneys are damaged, other organs are automatically affected.

Disability of the kidneys due to many factors

The main job of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood of pollutants and to maintain a proper fluid balance in the body. To ensure this, the kidneys constantly monitor the blood volume and filter out the right amount of urine. There are many points that can break this mechanism and cause kidney congestion. This primarily includes dehydration. In addition, the following factors interfere with healthy kidney function:

  • indigestion
  • Too much consumption of heavily processed food
  • Excessive food
  • gallstones
  • Blood pressure fluctuations
  • Prescription drugs or
  • narcotics

Blood poisoning due to kidney weakness

If the kidneys are no longer able to remove the necessary amount of urine from the blood, a portion of the urine remains in the body, with the waste contained therein also remain in the blood vessels. These pollutants accumulate in the body and can contribute to poisoning or even kidney failure.

Further signs of a heavily loaded blood can be:

  • skin problems
  • A strong body odor
  • Sweat on hands and feet
  • water collection
  • lymphatic congestion
  • High blood pressure and other disorders

Kidney stones

Kidney stones begin as small crystals and can reach the size of a hen's egg. The small crystals cause no pain and therefore remain undetected. Nevertheless, they are big enough to impede fluid flow through the small renal tubules.

Crystals and stones form in the kidneys when constituents of the urine, which are normally in solution, precipitate. This precipitation happens when the urine is too concentrated or when these particles are too abundant. The crystals or stones generally have sharp edges, which can then lead to injury to the urethra. This often causes severe pain in the groin or lower back. The pain can also drag along the legs, leading to numbness in the thighs, causing difficulty urinating and producing a bloody urine.

Most stones form in the kidneys, but some can also form in the bladder. When a large stone penetrates one of the ureters, urinary excretion is hindered. This can lead to serious complications, such as nephritis or kidney failure.

The most common kidney stones are oxalate stones, uric acid stones and phosphate stones.

Uric acid is a by-product of consumption of purine-rich foods. Foods with the highest purines are animal products in almost every form (meat, sausage, fish, seafood, etc.).

By processing the purines, uric acid is produced in the body, which is passed on to the kidneys and excreted in the urine. If the kidneys are unable to dispose of all of the uric acid, it is first deposited in those parts of the body that are the least perfused, such as B. the toes and fingers. This can make the joints stiff and immobile.

Phosphate stones are produced by foods with a high phosphate content. These include in particular: coke, processed mueslis, bread, pasta and all carbonated drinks. Phosphate-containing additives in food and drinks should also be taken into account in this context.

Excessive use of table salt, ie sodium chloride , can also lead to the formation of kidney stones. For every gram of sodium chloride, the body has to apply 23 times the amount of water to neutralize it.

This can lead to water retention in the body, to cellulite , arthritis , gout , rheumatism and gallstones .

This problem especially affects people who eat mostly processed foods. Today, on average, we consume at least 4,000 to 6,000 mg of sodium chloride in our diet - even more so the more finished products are consumed.

Drink proper water

Drinking two to three or even four liters a day is no problem for many people - if it's about coke, apple juice or beer. With water, however, the situation is quite different, and so it is difficult for most people to reach their daily Wasserpensum. At some point you think about how healthy and important it is to drink a lot of water. Anyone who drinks a liter of water quickly and believes that this would be enough for their health is a great mistake.

So that the water can reach every single body cell, into our eyes, in the nerves and also in our bones, it should be drunk in many small portions distributed over the day. It would be ideal - especially in case of illness or existing dehydration - to drink 40 milliliters (4 cl) of water every 15 minutes.

If instead we were to consume only a few large portions of water per day, the kidneys would be thoroughly flushed, but the water would not be able to reach the cells adequately.


If the body does not have enough good water available, problems can arise in the entire organism. Wherever water is lacking, the body has to provide its own cell water to prevent the worst of the derailment. A prolonged "dry spell" can eventually not be compensated sufficiently, so inevitably set diseases.

This fact makes it clear that water is not in vain referred to as the most important food.

Therefore, remember to drink enough water. As a guideline, drink about 30 ml of high-quality spring water or filtered tap water per kilogram of body weight per day.

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