Put Apple Cider Vinegar on Your Face and See what Happens to Toxins, Eczema, and Age Spots

Put Apple Cider Vinegar on Your Face and See what Happens to Toxins, Eczema, and Age Spots - According to numerous scientific studies, apple cider vinegar has the power to treat eczema and other skin conditions as well. Let’s take a look at why ACV is so powerful:


It has beta-carotene that encourages cells renewal
It has potassium which effectively treats allergies and regulates the skin’s pH
It’s rich in minerals and vitamins like iron, magnesium, sodium, pectin, potassium, calcium, sulphur, and phosphorus that control eczema and strengthen the immunity
It has lactic, acetic, and malic acid that have powerful antifungal and antibacterial characteristics known to lower inflammation and itchiness; they also prevent skin infections and soothe dry skin
It has an abundance of fiber that aids the removal of the toxins which caused the eczema
The power of ACV

It can fight off acne, pimples, and blemishes; the malic acid in it has powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties that prevent the creation of pimples and acne

It can remove toxins from the face; it will make your skin look cleaner and more radiant

It will reduce age spots; washing the face with ACV on a daily basis will lower age spots due to the fact that it has alpha hydroxyl acids that eliminate dead skin cells. Just put a drop or two of ACV on a cotton ball and place it onto the age spot and leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing the face with water. Do this for 45 days.

It can fight off wrinkles; apply some diluted ACV onto a cotton ball and put it onto the affected areas and then rinse the face with lukewarm water and pat it dry.

It balances the skin’s pH; it removes surplus oil from the skin and thus, it regulates the sebum production so the skin won’t be too dry or too oily.


Never apply ACV onto the skin before diluting it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Always check for allergies to ACV before you start using it; apply a bit of vinegar onto the skin and wait for a minute to see if it causes some kind of reaction.

Oral use of ACV may cause irritation due to vinegar’s acidity, so those who suffer from heartburn, diabetes, or peptic ulcer shouldn’t consume it.

Pregnant women need to consult their doctor prior to using ACV.

How to cure eczema with the help of ACV?

You will need:

2 tsp of ACV

A cup of water

3 cotton balls

Preparation: Mix the ingredients and then dip a cotton ball into the solution and apply it onto the affected area.

Repeat the procedure daily until the eczema goes away.

Other ways to use ACV

Orally- when you take ACV orally, it will prevent the reoccurrence of eczema and it will strengthen your immunity. You should mix a tsp of ACV and a cup of water. Drink this mixture three times per day for optimal effect.

Vinegar bath– soaking in a bathwater with ACV is very beneficial in the treatment of eczema. You need to add half a cup of ACV to the bathwater and a bit of coconut oil. Soak in the bathwater for 15 minutes and then pat dry then body with a towel. At the end apply a moisturizer onto the affected areas. Soak on a daily basis until the eczema is completely cured.

ACV and honey- this mixture lowers skin inflammation and soothes irritated skin; it also has potent antibacterial characteristics. Mix 2 tsp of ACV, a tsp of honey, a glass of water and drink it three times per day.

ACV and baking soda- this is another powerful mixture for treating eczema. You will need to mix 2 tsp of ACV, a cup of water, ¼ tsp of baking soda, and a tsp of honey. Consume the mixture daily until the eczema is cured.

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